Republicans in disarray

Can dogs smell fear? Can HUMANS smell fear? And when fear manifests itself, does it cause the people feeling the fear to ponder? Do these people ponder how to get out of the situation creating the fear? Do they think about logical solutions to conquer the yawning chasm of bright and undulated fear? Perhaps not if one is a Republican.
This is because Republicans might not have a lot of arrows in their quiver. And quiver they do. Reportedly, “GOP leaders fear extremist House members will blow up post-midterm plans.”
And Republicans are right to fear. First off, we are not going to let them win. But what makes this news so stunning is that now Republicans seem to be obsessing that even if they DID win and take back the House, they wouldn’t be able to get anything done.
That is because there is a war going on. The Republican party has split in two. One group includes McCarthy, who reportedly is busy at work making lists of legislation he wanted to see passed. Only the second group might not make it easy for him. This is the group consisting of the more deeply insane House members.
The Freedom Caucus members will want to “burn it all down.” They could not care less about getting anything more mainstream Republicans to want passed. They want to focus more on freeing the insurrectionists, tweeting, and making life as difficult as possible for President Biden.
These two groups are on a collision course, and there are no breaks. They are almost destined to crash.
The good news for us is that we can make the alt-right part of our campaign. As many at Palmer Report have mentioned — we need to link people like Greene to people like Kevin McCarthy. We need to show middle America what they get if they vote GOP. And what they will be getting is one big non-moving chain of utter incompetence.