Republicans in disarray
Tigers are such magnificent beings. And right now, the tigers are out in droves — feasting on the spoils of failure in the republican party. My friends, it’s been mere days since the GOP took over the House. And they have already — ALREADY — proven themselves to be miserable failures. Let’s go over some of what’s happened so far in this brief time:
A house speaker has not been elected. The one who expected it would go to him is getting more and more unhinged.
All factions are at war.
Marjorie Taylor Greene has “gone over to the dark side,” according to many in Maga-land who are infuriated she is backing McCarthy.
Margie is furious at Boebert, who is furious at her.
Everybody hates George Santos.
Nancy Mace is angry at Matt Gaetz.
Everybody hates each other.
Such a strong and professional party! The Fox crowd like Tucker and Carlson — is starting to lose it as well. The one thing the GOP DO seem good at right now is eating. More specifically, eating pizza.
That’s right. Carts of pizza were seen being wheeled into the Capitol on Tuesday evening. I bet they were good too. And so many of them! Perhaps we should nominate as speaker the patient chef who made those delicious-looking pizzas.
But all the mozzarella in the world could not help the GOP. Failure is following their every move, and the tigers — the tigers are dining like the regal beings that they are. They are dining on Republican hubris, arrogance and stupidity. Isn’t it delicious?
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