Republicans in disarray

With all this public drama and backbiting about who’s going to be the Republican Speaker of the House and who’s going to be the RNC Chair, it’s worth pointing out that there’s been no publicly visible drama at all in the corresponding Democratic races.
When Speaker Nancy Pelosi decided she was retiring from her leadership position, House Democrats got together behind closed doors, hashed things out, settled on Hakeem Jeffries as their new leader, and then made a statement by electing him unanimously.
Were there other Democrats who wanted the gig instead? Maybe. But that’s the stuff you do strictly behind closed doors if you can help it. Then you show the public that you’re an organized, united, professionally run party, worthy of its vote.
Unless you’re the Republicans, in which case you stupidly let internal leadership battles spill over into public view in such an ugly manner that you’re doing everything but throwing food at each other.
Once upon a time it was the Republican Party whose leadership always seemed to put on a united public front for the sake of getting things done and winning, and it was the Democratic Party that was in disarray – or least that’s how it was always reported back in the day. But these days it’s certainly not the case. Republicans in disarray. Democrats in array.