We need to raise $3133 to keep our fight going against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.

This article is about need. Need has blanked everybody’s life at one point or another. Have you ever felt need? Have you needed something — or someone? Have you acted upon that need? I know of at least one time you likely have.

You — and I — and all of us — needed Trump out of office. We needed the return of sanity. We pined for it. We yearned for it. And we got it. That was one time need worked in a positive manner.

But you see, need can be odious as well. Sometimes need turns into obsession. And sometimes, need can cause ruination. The Maga crowd needs. They need something very much. Allow me to elaborate.

Maga is turning on itself — and just about everybody else. Ben Shapiro wants all the “woke” Twitter employees to be fired if Elon Musk assumes control. Matt Gaetz is having a fit about Kevin McCarthy. Jason Miller says the real test of Elon Musk is whether he lets Trump back on Twitter Almost everybody in the GOP is furious at Kevin McCarthy.

Someone MIGHT be out to get Madison Cawthorn from within his own party — may be more than one person. This is all happening simultaneously. Republicans in disarray.

But many might be lulled into thinking what the alt-right needs — is Trump. Nothing could be further from the truth.

In fact, the Maga-world HAS Trump. Think about it. They could all join Truth-Social tomorrow. Or one of the other alt-right social media sites. But they won’t. Because there are not many liberals there.

See, here’s the thing. What Maga needs — what they crave — isn’t an echo chamber. They crave hate. And as indicated in the examples, they even hate each other.

What they need is us. Their addiction — their toxin is anger – red-hot and ready to be served up. Their need to “own the libs” is the tumultuous yearning they feel — most of them anyway.

They could never be happy on their own private island — stranded alone with their own voices echoing emptily into the foggy air. No — they need to lash out. They need to bully. That is what the center of their not-so-sunny universe is. We’re the ones with the power, because our needs are rooted in love. And that’s what we must keep on fighting for.

We need to raise $3133 to keep our fight going against Trump. Click here to donate what you can.