Republican House falls back into chaos
“It’s morning again in America. Today, more men and women will go to work than ever before in our country’s history.” How long ago it seems when that Morning in America ad ran! The GOP has come far since that ad — they’ve come far more into failure than ever before.
This is what happens to poor souls addicted to drama. When one NEEDS the pervasive drama, there is no way to begin to extinguish it. The GOP’s open warfare is still threatening to splinter the party from hell. Here are just a few examples.
Matt Gaetz is fighting with multiple house members. People are still mad at how Steve Scalise was treated. Some angry Republicans are saying Kevin McCarthy took down Gym Jordan. George Santos may be expelled. George Santos may NOT be expelled.
Patrick McHenry is repeatedly “venting” his frustrations and anger. JD Vance is “concerned” about aide to Ukraine. Maga is slowly turning on Speaker Johnson. Speaker Johnson is under fire for numerous statements he’s made. Andy Biggs is not happy. The Republican party is falling apart.
The Republican party will be remembered in history as an achingly obtuse group of windbags who could not govern to save their lives and who have learned nothing from their three-week shutdown.
You know, one could be forgiven if one expected this latest Speaker experience to humble at least some Republicans. Instead, it’s had the opposite effect. Nobody is getting along, and the examples I gave above (and there were lots) are far from the only ones.
When a meteorite begins its fall to Earth, there is usually no stopping it. It flies, soaring through the sky, coming to rest mostly in water, and is never again recovered, never again seen. This is, in a nutshell, the republican party. Looking ahead, two, three, five years — what is to become of them?
If they kept forcing out the members who have sanity and embracing the ones who favor INSANITY, they would soon cease to exist at all. Like the meteorite, they will fall and fall through sky and space.
Only unlike the meteorites, they will not leave even one flash of light. They will be remembered in history for all the wrong reasons; they will be remembered for one thing and one thing only, solid, inscrutable darkness and only darkness.
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