Reflections on a clueless media

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.

The media are learning the wrong lessons from Election/2024. As we’ve laid out for you, the ratings nosedive that cable news has taken is vast, a nosedive as big as a planet unto itself a deserted planet.

It is being reported that many media pundits are in panic mode, mainly because they’ve lost so many viewers. Apparently, this came as a surprise to them. But rather than learning from past mistakes, rather than taking heed of what the viewers—or EX viewers—were trying to tell them, they took deep breaths and exhaled hubris.

We went to visit Donald Trump! Oh, Morning Joe, I expected better of you. Joe and Mika are facing real blowback right now for their ridiculous meeting with his royal insurrectionist. Why did they do this? WHAT on earth prompted it?

Many think it’s the ratings. Would they be looking for Trump voters to tune in? If so, they’re more delusional than CNN’s former CEO Chris Licht on his worst day.

Maga hates everyone ON MSNBC. They won’t tune in. It’s an experiment that has failed before it’s even begun.

Then there’s CNN. Per Puck, CNN CEO Mark Thompson held a tense meeting with the CNN staff, during which he told them they should not spend the next few years obsessing over Donald Trump but rather try to bring on guests “we don’t normally hear on CNN.”

Don’t usually hear? Does that mean MAGA guest? Is Thompson following in the footsteps of the not-so-great Chris Licht?

It is incredible to me how utterly obtuse the media is. I’ll break it down for you. It is straightforward. The cable news industry has lost the trust of its viewers. They have failed IN EVERY possible way, but it appears they remain unaware of that.

They sane-washed Trump. They helped him get elected TWICE — In 2016 and now. They refused to cover the ugliness of the man. I still, in all my cable watching, can’t think of ONE segment devoted to Trump being a sexual assaulter.

Why? Why? Even abortion was tabled slightly, and forgot about hearing about Obamacare. Mainstream media, if any of you are reading this:

Why did you both sides everything?

Why did you not have DAILY — yes, DAILY segments about Trump’s crimes against women?

WHY did you spend most of your time tearing Kamala to shreds?

Why are you so infuriatingly unaware? Have you not the capacity to reflect?

Reflections are always good. When one reflects, they almost always come away wiser. Reflecting involves critical thinking. And reflecting is a most enriching experience, it’s often a balm that heals.

The media, however, does not reflect . But we are.We are reflecting on a clueless media.

That is why they lost their viewers. People are infuriated about all the sane-washing, the making nice with fascists, and the dirty, rotten, stinking core of the media elite.

If they would only think about all this and REFLECT on it, they’d be better for it. But they won’t. Perhaps they can’t. So they are doomed, really—doomed to suffer the consequences of media hubris.

Hi it's Bill Palmer. I need your help! Please contribute $5 or more to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses: Donate Here.