Donald Trump just made a really stupid mistake

These days, Donald Trump pretty much spends all day saying stupid and absurd things in the hope that one of them will somehow stick. For instance, on Saturday, Trump told New Yorkers that they’d better get their “mops and buckets” ready for when an unspecified flood arrives. But last night Trump took the cake for stupidity when he basically labeled himself a terrorist, while completely botching recent U.S. history. Here’s what Trump tweeted:
“In the House, the President got less due process than the 9-11 terrorists got. This is a corrupt process?” Mark Levin @marklevinshow “Very much so!” @RepDougCollins @FoxNews
Trump was quoting Congressman Doug Collins, one the most histrionic and idiotic Republicans in the House. By tweeting Collins’ quote, Trump was taking ownership of Collins’ words. That’s more than a bit troubling, for a couple reasons. First, Trump is giving up any pretense of innocence, and he’s instead simply arguing that even bad people (like him and the 9-11 terrorists) deserve due process. That’s not exactly his best argument at this point.
Second, and more troubling, Donald Trump apparently doesn’t know (or doesn’t remember, or doesn’t care) that the 9-11 terrorists died by their own hand, and thus never faced the U.S. legal system. Trump appears to believe some alternate version of history in which the terrorists somehow survived being on the planes that crashed into buildings, and were then arrested, and received a fair trial. What kind of blithering idiot thinks this is how 9-11 played out? Trump needs to resign the presidency, and also resign his citizenship.