Reality just smacked Donald Trump in the face

Picture being Donald Trump. I know, I know, that is NOT a fate anyone here would want. But picture it for a moment or two. This is a man to whom worship and admiration are as valuable in a way as food and drink. They’re his bread and butter — Donald depends on the love of the crowds to validate his torn ego.
Lots of people like validation from others, but Donald Trump is unique in that regard. He can’t cope if the people are not constantly screaming for HIM — he wants their love, respect, and devotion, even if he doesn’t give a damn about any of them.
And on Saturday, September 9, the Donald attended a football game. The Iowa State college game was held at the Jack Trice Stadium. He should not have gone. He perhaps should have known better. And there were signs that it would not be Donald’s day. If one REALLY wants to delve into signs, look at where the event was held.
The JACK Trice stadium. Oh no. As we have all seen, Trump does not do well with the Jacks of the world. So there he was. And Donald Trump, every person’s narcissistic nightmare was given — the bird.
Photos have surfaced all over social media of Trump receiving the bird, being booed, flipped off, and generally not given the lovely response he sought. And in front of Trump’s private stadium box, photos were seen with audience members giving him the middle finger right in front of that box.
And YES, there were some cheers as well — but the boos were loud and contrary to the rumors Maga is trying to start, it was NOT just one or two people. Some audience members also name called the traitor. Wow. Talk about the welcome wagon! I’m sure this was not pleasant for Trump.
For Trump, the only thing that makes him (momentarily) content is unending admiration. This was different from what he received at the Iowa football game. Between this and the report that Trump has no ground game in Iowa, things do not look rosy for him in the state.