Trump’s rats begin leaving Donald Trump’s sinking whistleblower ship

One of the key hallmarks of any unraveling political conspiracy is when key players begin resigning their jobs, as the proverbial rats begin leaving the sinking ship. This week we saw U.S. Envoy Kurt Volker resign from the State Department, but he’s no rat – he just appears to have gotten dragged unwillingly into the mess. Now, however, a bona fide rat resigned.
Most of us had forgotten that Rick Perry was even still in Donald Trump’s cabinet, until his name suddenly kept popping up in Donald Trump’s Ukraine whistleblower scandal over the past week. The publicly available evidence makes clear that, at the least, Perry knew what was going on with Trump and Ukraine – and considering how many of Trump’s people are facing criminal liability for their roles in this extortion scandal, Perry looked like he might be in real trouble.
On Wednesday, Rick Perry announced that he was planning to fully cooperate with the House impeachment inquiry into the Trump-Ukraine scandal. Wait a minute here. Was was this some kind of trick, or was Perry really deciding to throw Trump under the bus and try to save himself? Then on Friday, Perry announced his resignation as Secretary of Energy. That means he really is planning to cooperate, or else he’d be remaining in his post in an effort to make sure Trump pardoned him.
What stands out here is just how quickly people are resigning. It’s taken Rick Perry just a few days to decide to give up being a member of the presidential cabinet, because he’s just that eager to cooperate in the hope he won’t get indicted when this is all over and Trump is gone. More rats will surely flee in the coming days.