Even Donald Trump’s favorite Rasmussen poll now says he’s hosed

How ridiculously pro-Republican and pro-Trump is the Rasmussen poll in its bias? Polling analysts have serious debates about whether to omit it from the polling averages. Donald Trump often likes to quote it, because the numbers are usually skewed that much in his favor. But we don’t think he’ll be quoting Rasmussen this time around.
Today’s Rasmussen poll now says that Joe Biden is twelve points ahead of Donald Trump nationwide. That’s right, twelve points. This doesn’t mean we suddenly take Rasmussen seriously just because its numbers finally look like they might be real. It’s just that Trump is falling so far behind, even Rasmussen apparently now feels it has to show him losing badly in order to remain in the game, so to speak.
This comes even as CNN says Biden is ahead by sixteen points, NBC News says he’s ahead by fourteen points, and the Boston Herald says he’s ahead by a whopping twenty-one points. Of course having a big lead only translates to a victory if we put in the work required on things like voter turnout, phone banking, and campaign volunteering – so let’s get to work and win this election big!
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Bill Palmer
Palmer Report