Donald Trump’s “ramp-gate” scandal just got even uglier

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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When Donald Trump basically admitted yesterday that he’d had a “series of mini-strokes” in November, it didn’t come as a surprise. He’s spent the past nine months displaying various physical and cognitive health limitations during his public appearances. The real scandal is that Trump has been lying about his health, and that he keeps trying to cover it up.

For instance, it’s now abundantly clear that Trump struggles walking up and down ramps. To be clear, this wouldn’t be a scandal on its own. Nothing says a guy who struggles to walk can’t be President. But Trump is the kind of narcissist who mocks the physically disabled, meaning he can’t admit that he’s now physically disabled himself. So instead of being honest about his health, he and his handlers are going to absurd lengths to try to hide his struggles with ramps.

After Trump had his second ramp incident in New Hampshire this past week, his handlers apparently tried to make sure he didn’t have a third one today by putting a tent over the entirety of the ramp that Trump would have to walk up:

Trump may try to claim that this tent was installed for security reasons. But he had just finished giving a speech with no overhead coverage at all, so it’s fairly absurd to argue that he needed a tent over the ramp security. Instead it’s pretty easy to parse that this was all about making sure the media and the public couldn’t see it this time if Trump once again struggled with a ramp. Why can’t the guy just be honest about his health?

Note from Bill Palmer: Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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