Donald Trump is racking up losses at a stunning rate

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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With everything that is going on in real time, it’s hard to keep it all straight, but let’s look at some of the recent legal rulings.
Judge Amit Mehta declined “President” Donald Trump’s preliminary injunction to stop the release of his financial records from Mazars. Judge Mehta issued a 41-page opinion which discusses the reasons behind his decision. He quotes President James Buchanan, who similarly tried to stop Congress from doing its job. He pointed out that Buchanan supported Congress until they wanted to investigate him, claiming that Congress merely wanted to embarrass and harass him. Sound familiar? It did to Judge Mehta. He also relied on documents produced by Michael Cohen, which included Mazars documents. Cohen opened Pandora’s box on Trump in more ways than one. Good.

Judge Mehta pointed out that judges do not have authority to interfere in Congressional oversight when that oversight has a legitimate basis. He ruled that the basis Congress’ subpoenas in this instance involves legitimate oversight, such as the emoluments clause, strengthening disclosure and ethics laws, and formulating penalties for violations. Judge Mehta’s ruling is squarely founded in the rule of law, precedence, and history. Pouring salt into Trump’s wounds, he refused to issue a stay pending appeal. Now, it has happened again.

Judge Edgardo Ramos has allowed the House to move forward with its subpoenas to Deutsche Bank and Capital One for Trump’s financial records. Trump and his children called the subpoenas “too broad, lacking a legitimate legislative purpose and designed to cause the president political damage” in their suit. Trump doesn’t need any help in causing political damage. He does quite well all by himself. Contrary to Trump’s assertions that Democrats want a “do-over,” Congress is merely doing the job we pay them to do by engaging in oversight of a very questionable president.

Trump has not stopped engaging in his businesses, and he has been enriching himself by having foreign dignitaries stay at his properties. In fact, according to The Washington Post, he tried to have Irish Prime Minister Leo Varadkar meet at the Trump International Golf Links and Hotel Doonbeg. Varadker balked at the idea, feeling it inappropriate to meet at Trump’s property. If a foreign prime minister knows this is improper, why doesn’t “President” Trump know? He knows; he just doesn’t care. That’s more money in his pocket. If I see the excuse from one more Trump supporter that he donates his paycheck, I’m going to scream. Who needs a measly $400,000 paycheck when you’re pocketing millions?

Let’s be real here: Donald Trump has shown time and again that the best interest of the American people is not his goal. Like any other narcissist, everything that Trump does is about him and what benefits him. If you look up “conman” in the dictionary, you’ll likely see Trump’s photo. He is, without a doubt, the biggest conman to ever disgrace the highest office in the land. Hopefully, all of these rulings against him will continue to chip away at his “presidency” until it mercifully ends.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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