Rachel Maddow just nailed it

Even by those who despise him and see him as an extremist, Mike Pence is generally viewed as being less deranged than Donald Trump. Of course this is only because Trump loudly and openly flaunts his derangement. But if you ignore the tweets and go based on track record, it’s a different story.
During her show tonight, Rachel Maddow pointed out that not too long ago, Mike Pence promised us the coronavirus crisis would be over by Memorial Day. Of course that’s a week from today, and things are still as dangerously ugly as ever. Instead of admitting he was wrong, Pence is helping Trump to try to cover up the problems.
Rachel Maddow explained that Pence should be viewed as being basically as much of a crackpot at Donald Trump is. And as usual, Maddow is right about this.