Rachel Maddow just nailed it
The United States is falling apart in heartbreakingly fatal fashion, and it’s entirely because the President of the United States is the most unfit person possible to be the President of the United States. Rachel Maddow directly addressed Donald Trump tonight in the first segment of her MSNBC show, and she absolutely nailed it.
Rachel Maddow laid out how George W. Bush, a terribly incompetent President, initially blew the Hurricane Katrina response in deadly fashion before eventually putting someone competent in charge of the response. Maddow explained to Donald Trump the various ways in which he can still do this himself with the coronavirus crisis, and try to save some lives in the process.
Maddow went so far as to urge Donald Trump to put someone in charge of the coronavirus response, if only so he can scapegoat that person later. Maddow’s point was that at this point it doesn’t matter what rationale Trump uses for putting someone competent in charge, it only matters that he does.
Rachel Maddow is absolutely right. We can punish Donald Trump later by voting him out of office, which will put him on a path to prison for too many state and federal crimes to count. But for now, we simply need the monster to put someone competent in charge, in order to keep the death toll from getting any worse than it has to be.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report