Rachel Maddow just nailed it

Rachel Maddow usually uses her nightly MSNBC show to focus on the political issues, and her analysis is always insightful. But when she opened her show tonight, she took a different approach, and she hit on something that’s the most important of all right now.

Maddow pointed out tonight that when we all look back on this, we’re going to want to feel like we did everything we could possibly do to make sure the election turns out the way we want it to. With voting underway and election day now just twenty-two days away, Maddow said this: “If you are going to do anything, this is the time to do it.”

Rachel Maddow also pointed out that it’s not just about having a plan for how to vote in the midst of the pandemic and voter suppression. It’s also about volunteering, working to drive turnout, and other efforts that can impact the outcome. As Maddow put it, “It is time to hit the go button.” You can volunteer for the Joe Biden campaign here.

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