Rachel Maddow just completely destroyed Donald Trump

Rachel Maddow is the rare cable news host who generally doesn’t put Donald Trump on the air each day. She usually ignores what he says in his speeches, press conferences, and tweets, in favor of focusing on what he’s doing. It’s part of why she’s the best at what she does. But we had a feeling that Maddow would end up putting Trump on the air tonight, and sure enough, she did.
During his press conference today, Donald Trump made a racist remark toward CBS News correspondent Weijia Jiang, and then after he saw that the other correspondents weren’t going to let the moment pass, he angrily walked out. In that moment, Trump showed himself to be equal parts offensive and mentally incompetent. Sure enough, Maddow opened her show tonight by airing that disturbing sequence.
Rachel Maddow pointed out that there is clearly something “wrong” with Donald Trump, even by his usual standards. He’s showing even more agitation, and making even less sense, than ever. She explained that there are multiple potential explanations for Trump’s deterioration. For instance, his home is now a coronavirus hotspot. In addition, the Supreme Court is set to begin hearings tomorrow on Trump’s tax returns.
The overriding point here is that however screwed up Donald Trump may have been to begin with, something is going very wrong with him on top of it all – and based on his trajectory, it’s likely to continue getting even worse.