Putin’s poodle

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Former KGB agent Putin is a murderer. He has killed many in his lifetime. He has also been branded a liar, evil, and an enemy of America. So, it is no surprise that this man is one of Donald Trump’s idols. Trump has shown in both words and gestures that he thinks Putin is really cool. Rather than being repulsed by Putin, Trump looks up to him, idolizes him, and wants to learn from him.

If there is ONE person who can make Donald Trump turn into an effusive useless idiot, it is Putin. That might be why Donald Trump appeared to lose his mind over the indictments from The Justice Department in the Kremlin disinformation criminal case.
Trump called the whole thing a “scam.” Not the Russians trying to interfere with the election. Oh no, not that. He was referring to the indictments from OUR government.

Trump explained to reporters that it all went back to “the DOJ, Kamala, and sleepy Joe.” It is really is something to marvel at. While MOST people are relieved that the DOJ crushed these schemes, crushed them like slugs, Donald Trump, of course, must do what Donald Trump does. Defend Putin.

Defending Putin. Always defending Putin. Loving Putin. Making excuses for Putin. Protecting Putin. WORSHIPING Putin. Letting himself be turned into Putin’s useless idiot. It’s a shame, really, but so go, wanna-be dictators. Trump imagines himself in Putin’s bloodless stare. He sees himself in the contours of Putin’s face. He imagines himself as Putin’s student, his prodigy, little Donald, learning from Putin a dirty dog learning new tricks.

But what Trump doesn’t realize is Putin regards him as a fool, too, as just another idiot. That is why he wants Trump to win — not because he LIKES him, but because Putin sees in Donald a panting poser, a wanna-be with jelly for brains idiot, a malleable moron who can be led to water and made to drink. Donald Trump is silly putty in Putin’s hands, and the joke of it all is that Donald Trump, idiot that he is, thinks Putin LIKES him!

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