Putin is losing the propaganda war

Russia never got the memo on how tired we are of people being called Nazis. Nazi is a strong term and shouldn’t apply to soup-makers or peaceful protesters who don’t claim to be actual Nazis. However, satire aside, in the public arena, calling someone a Nazi has been overdone, and now Russia, stupidly, can’t understand why they can’t elicit the appropriate manufactured horror to justify his war in Ukraine.

The Russian Embassy in Japan has now Tweeted, “…Japan has come to support a Nazi regime for the second time in less than a hundred years. Previously it was the Hitler regime, and this time it is supporting the Ukrainian regime.” First of all, Ukraine’s Democratically elected President Zelenskyy is a Jew. Second, Putin is a fascist dictator like Hitler. Third, Putin has managed to land one of his bombs at Babi Yar, the mass grave of more than 30,000 souls murdered by actual Nazis. So fu*k Putin and the cesspool he crawled out of. And his Russian Embassy tweet too.

Putin was scheming to win the world’s approval by calling Ukraine filled with Nazis. If you do the math of those one the far right who are sliding into actual Naziism, America has a far worse problem. See Marjorie Taylor Greene and her introduction at AFPAC whereby Nick Fuentes got the crowd to chant Putin’s name and spurned those who compared him to Hitler, saying, “They say that’s not a good thing.” Then the crowd laughed. Well, f*ck them too and the ones that support them, but they don’t add up to making this a nation filled with Nazi’s.

Russia has lost the propaganda war. Even Switzerland has discarded its neutrality to support Ukraine. Yes, calling people Nazis is overdone, but bombing children in their own home by a fascist dictator hungry for world power is a pretty good comparison. Putin’s naked hypocrisy is nauseating and there’s got to be a special place in hell for him, hopefully right where all the rest of the Nazis reside.

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