Vladimir Putin just used Michael Cohen’s emails against Donald Trump

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Yesterday the Putin regime threw Donald Trump under the bus by pointing out that Trump canceled their G20 meeting due to his worsening scandals, and not because of Russia’s aggression against Ukraine. Putin could easily have given Trump cover, but he instead made a point of sticking it to him. Palmer Report interpreted this as a sign that Russia is discarding its broken puppet. Today, Putin made it a bit more obvious.

This week Robert Mueller and Michael Cohen teamed up to begin publicly exposing Donald Trump’s role in the Trump-Russia election rigging scandal. This included the emails that Cohen sent to the Kremlin during the election, in the hope of furthering the Trump Tower Moscow project. Now Russia is suddenly using these emails against Donald Trump in rather remarkable fashion.

Putin’s spokesman is now posting Michael Cohen’s emails as supposed evidence that it was only Donald Trump’s side who wanted to do the Trump Tower Moscow project, and that the Kremlin wasn’t interested. In so doing, Putin is flat out saying that the Trump-Russia conspiracy was all Trump’s idea, and that Russia didn’t want to go along for the ride. This, of course, is not true at all. But it’s a really big deal that Putin is now trying to pin Trump-Russia on Trump.

Is Vladimir Putin actively trying to finish off Donald Trump because he now sees him as a liability, or is Putin merely trying to protect himself by cutting Trump loose to sink or swim? We’ll see how far Putin takes this. Either way, this is not some coordinated act where Putin and Trump pretend to be mad at each other as a distraction. It can’t be; Russia is taking it too far. Putin is firing broadsides into Trump at a time when he’s already sinking.

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