“Pure insanity”

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Republicans have either gone crazy, or they already were. Ron Johnson has long been the holdout on declaring Juneteeth a national holiday, but then, Ron Johnson has been acting batty for quite some time now. He finally gave in according to Huffington Post, though he could not do so without a snide remark: “I just think it’s kind of odd that now apparently the only way to [celebrate the end of slavery] is to give 2 million federal workers a paid day off, [and] cost American taxpayers $600 million.” Ever notice how much taxpayer cost is irrelevant unless it is something they want? Yeah, we all have. Hopefully, Ron Johnson will decide to retire in 2022. He certainly needs to do that so that Wisconsin can get a representative who really embodies their interests. That brings us to the other Republican who lost his mind a long time ago: Jim Jordan.

Recent news reported on Mark Meadows’ feeble attempts to get the DOJ to investigate Donald Trump’s claims of election fraud. Meadows sounded crazy, claiming that Italian citizens interfered in the 2020 election with the use of military technology. Most rolled their eyes at that one and decided that Meadows had completely lost his mind. People at the DOJ agreed. Apparently, it takes one crazy to believe another crazy and try to make some sort of case of it. According to Politico, Jordan went off on DOJ officials for their refusal to investigate Meadows’ outlandish claims. Jordan was quoted as saying: “When the chief of staff to the president of the United States asks someone in the executive branch to do something, and they basically give him the finger, I think that’s the problem we should be looking into.” No, Jordan, we should be looking into why you even think this is an issue. Meadows’ claims were crazy, and anyone with half a brain understands why acting Attorney General Jeffrey Rosen ignored him. Jordan called Rosen “insubordinate;” he is more like the sane person in the room.

Perhaps Jordan is upset because Rosen acted with reason. When Meadows claimed “signature match anomalies” in Fulton County (Georgia) required investigation, Rosen responded to his deputy Richard Donoghue: “Can you believe this? I am not going to respond to message below.” Who can blame Rosen? Keep in mind that Republicans are the ones who do not want the federal government interfering in state elections—so they claim—and Georgia investigated their own issues. Why would they need the AG to step in? Another point missed by Jordan is the fact that the DOJ is supposed to be a separate entity from the White House, and White House officials well know that they are not to directly contact the DOJ about investigations. Once again, Republicans want the rules to work one way for them and another for everyone else.

Donoghue’s response to Rosen was priceless: “Pure insanity.” That is the perfect way to describe virtually every Republican in office. If people want lunatics to represent them, so be it, but stop forcing them on the rest of us.

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