Donald Trump’s psychotic pity party reaches its final destination

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Remember when the Trump regime leaked that former FBI Deputy Director Andrew McCabe was being indicted? That turned out to be fake news? Remember when the Trump regime leaked that a hundred or more people were being targeted in a probe into Hillary Clinton’s emails? She was just exonerated again. Now the Trump regime is trying its biggest, dumbest, most self defeating, and surely final stunt of this type.

Donald Trump’s Department of Justice is opening a criminal inquiry into the U.S. officials who investigated Donald Trump’s Russia scandal, according to a new report tonight from the New York Times. Except there’s no real evidence that any such thing has happened on any substantive level. Even if it has, there’s no way that a grand jury will indict anyone like McCabe or James Comey for having simply done their jobs and followed the evidence. There will also be no grand jury indictments against random people who weren’t even involved in the probe, just because those names keep floating around in the recesses of Trump’s delusional mind. Reality doesn’t work that way.

This is an incredibly evil, and historically criminal, move on the part of Donald Trump and his Attorney General Bill Barr. They both deserve to go to prison for the rest of their lives just for floating something like this, and they will. But this isn’t an effort by the Trump regime at saving Trump’s dying presidency. This does nothing to help him. In fact it makes him look even guiltier, even more out of control, and it speeds up his downfall.

But this isn’t about Donald Trump trying to save himself. Trump’s remaining henchmen know his presidency is over, and there’s nothing they can do to save him. So instead they’re just pulling these stunts to try to cheer Trump up and keep him from going even further into a funk. This is one big psychotic pity party for Donald Trump – and the sheer magnitude of this latest criminal stunt means we must be near the end now.

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