Prison and bankruptcy are all Donald Trump has left

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can

– It’s time for the media and the pundits to start framing things accurately. Donald Trump’s life will consist of prison and bankruptcy once he’s gone from office. Every single thing that Trump is doing during the transition is, in one way or another, an attempt at giving himself a softer landing when it comes to prison and bankruptcy. It’s the singular the motivation behind everything you’re seeing from Trump right now; there are no other motivations.

– Those of you lamenting that Lindsey Graham will get away with his crimes are forgetting that we’re just 65 days from the DOJ being free to prosecute crimes again. Lindsey faces an impossible choice: 1) snag a pardon from Trump on his way out the door, which is a confession of guilt, and a body blow to his senate career, or 2) skip the pardon and take his chances with the criminal charges. Either way Lindsey is in a bad place. It’s not a given that the post-Trump DOJ will prosecute Lindsey; they might look into it and conclude that the evidence isn’t sufficient for conviction. But is Lindsey willing to take that chance and pass up his one shot at a Trump pardon now?

– Tweet of the day, from Paul Stanley of the band Kiss, who clearly has a firmer grip on reality than anyone in the Trump regime: “Dr. Scott Atlas… You are a NEURORADIOLOGIST. In keeping with the Hippocratic Oath and “doing no harm” you should stick to an expertise in MRIs, Ct scans and X-rays. In spite of a misbegotten appointment, COVID and infectious diseases are out of your field and you ARE doing harm.”

Dear Palmer Report readers, we need $1841 to keep our fight going against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can