Donald Trump crashes and burns in disastrous coronavirus press conference

Earlier today we learned that Donald Trump has been potentially exposed to the coronavirus by a number of his republican allies, who are now under self-quarantine. The stock market dropped two thousand points today, partly due to fear of the impact the virus is having on the economy.
Trump decided that now would be a good time to hold a press conference and try to calm everyone down. The trouble: he’s unwilling or unable to answer even the most basic of questions about the controversies at hand.
Specifically, during his press conference just now, Trump refused to say whether or not he’s been tested for the coronavirus. What kind of answer is that? The President of the United States is potentially infected with a deadly contagious virus, and he won’t even tell us if he’s been tested?
Mike Pence showed up at the press conference and stated that he hasn’t been tested, while refusing to say whether Donald Trump has been tested. What do these idiots even think they’re doing?