President Elon Musk is completely out of control

We still need to raise $1451 to continue our fight against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can.

Donald Trump is sitting there in a senile haze while the people around him do whatever deranged things that pop into their head, and Elon Musk is chief among them. At this point Musk is the de facto President of the United States, even though he wasn’t elected to anything and isn’t even constitutionally eligible for the job. Also, Musk is absolutely terrible at this.

Want proof? Elon Musk reportedly forced the FAA Chair out of the job immediately after Trump took office; now airplanes are falling out of the sky. Musk is also reportedly forcing the highest ranking Treasury Department official out of a job after an internal squabble. Why is Elon Musk calling the shots at the FAA and the Treasury Department?

Meanwhile Musk keeps posting absurd tweets that suggest he has the psychological maturity of a four year old. He’s as mentally incompetent as Trump, just without the dementia. We have to push Musk out front so that Trump gets jealous of him and fires him.

We still need to raise $1451 to continue our fight against Trump. Please click here to donate whatever you can.