President Biden signs key legislation to protect against another January 6th

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Here is a story that is not getting much play, most likely because it’s good news for the democrats. President Biden has just signed a Bill. This Bill will allow the Chief of Police for the Capitol to call the National Guard for help when it deems such assistance necessary.

Have you heard one word about this on television? The Bill is called the “Capitol Police Emergency Assistance Act.” And nobody dared come out against it. This is absolutely needed and is wonderful news for the Capitol Police.

They will NEVER have to wait for help again if they are overwhelmed. Now, they can get it themselves. And nobody dared voice disapproval. I know I said that before but it is worth saying again.

It is my belief this should have been a top story. I heard brief mentions here and there but nothing more than one second, perhaps two seconds.

I hope that we never again experience what we experienced on January 6. However, it is good to know that if we do — we now have a bill that will never let the heroes of January 6, such as Michael Fanone, be put in that position again.

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