President Biden seizes on Donald Trump’s big gaffe

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Nearly a decade after the Affordable Care Act went into effect, even Republicans aren’t too keen these days on trying to repeal it. After all, far too many millions of Americans (on both political sides) now rely on “Obamacare” for health insurance, and don’t want it repealed no matter what they think of its namesake, President Barack Obama.

Unfortunately for Donald Trump, he’s way too far gone to understand this concept. Trump is now out there calling for the repeal of the ACA if he ever gets back into power. This is a remarkably senile gaffe on Trump’s part. It’s not surprising, given that he keeps referring to Obama as the current President, and seems to think it’s still roughly 2012, as his mind continues to recede.

Trump’s handlers are now claiming that Trump is doing this on purpose, because he sees President Joe Biden as a mere puppet of Obama. But no one should fall for this laughable explanation. It’s obvious that Trump’s senility has taken him back a decade, he thinks Obama is still President, and he thinks the key to scoring political points with Republican voters is to promise to repeal Obamacare.

Now that it’s becoming clear that Trump’s increasingly senile mind has parked him back in the Obama era, we’ll see more of this. Trump will say and do even more things that give away that he thinks this is 2012 and not 2023.

In the meantime President Biden is seizing upon Trump’s big gaffe, saying that “My predecessor has once again, God love him, called for cuts that could rip away health insurance for tens of millions of Americans.”

Biden is making the right move here. Trump made a huge mistake by putting the “Republicans want to repeal the ACA” messaging out there. This will make it harder for every Republican who’s running in a competitive race in 2024. It’s yet another example of how Trump’s refusal to go away, even as he withers and heads to prison, is going to be a huge problem for the Republican Party.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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