President Biden is getting the best of Vladimir Putin

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,183 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer

Ideas come upon us in various ways. Some ideas lead to greatness. Other ones are catastrophic in nature. These catastrophic ideas might start as a flicker, a deadly ember, and then they might perhaps transform themselves becoming massive in scope.

Nobody knows exactly how Putin came to his final catastrophic decision to wage war on Ukraine. But I don’t think anyone can deny the horror of this decision.

I like this quote from the Economist: “No plan of battle survives contact with the enemy, but he has fared worse than many.” And it is true. All over, the Russian armies are being met with fierce resistance.

Putin’s latest move has only strengthened the world, and countries have come together to denounce the crazed Dictator. His troops are getting tired. Everywhere they go, they encounter resistance, and every hour they grow more discontented.

Putin is paying a heavy price for his idea — an idea that he could have pushed from his maniacal brain easily. Only he didn’t do that. And now he faces the real threat that his very leadership is threatened in the upcoming days.

Everybody wants peace. There are many reports that even many in Putin’s forces don’t know why they’re there, are tired, hungry, and angry. President Biden has done an extraordinary job in pulling back the curtain of Putin’s soul and showing everyone the vast lunacy that floats within him.

And reportedly, there are many Russian casualties. Ukrainians are fighting back furiously. Men of all ages are signing up to fight. Putin is reportedly fuming. And I do not want in any way to minimize that fact. A furious dictator is a worrisome one.

Yet he is trapped by his own greed, and things will only worsen for him. Whatever happens in the upcoming days and weeks, Ukraine will not stop its resistance.

Yes, ideas are often catastrophic in nature. But sometimes, these ideas also do not work out as the person planned. Sometimes they have horrific consequences. And for Putin, what we’ve seen so far, is just the tip of the iceberg in the virulent punishment that awaits him.

Dear Palmer Report readers: we need to raise $3,183 to continue our fight against Trump. Click here to donate what you can. Sincerely, Bill Palmer