President Biden has picked his Treasury Secretary

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Even as Donald Trump continues to find silly ways to drag out the illusion that he’s contesting the election so he can continue fundraising on it, President-elect Joe Biden is getting on with the business of cementing his administration. Today, Biden announced that he’s selected his Treasury Secretary. He didn’t reveal the person’s identity, but he did say that liberals and moderates alike should be pleased with the pick.

Some observers are rooting for it to be Elizabeth Warren. I doubt it. Much as I like her, she’s from a state with a Republican Governor, who would likely appoint a Republican replacement, pending a special election down the road. With the Democrats having a good shot at Senate control, picking Warren would be risky.

Keep in mind that if we have the right kind of qualified and reasonable and honest Treasury Secretary in place, Elizabeth Warren doesn’t need to be Treasury Secretary in order to have proper influence over the Treasury. She can just pick up the phone.

I certainly don’t know anything that you don’t, but my guess for Biden’s Treasury Secretary is former Federal Reserve Janet Yellen. She’s highly competent and widely respected. But we’ll see. Biden says his announcement will come soon.

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