President Biden comes out swinging

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Despite the way the GOP prides itself on being “fiscally responsible,” they’ve been fiscally reckless since before they invented that phrase some time during the Great Depression. Going into the debt limit talks, they’re seeing it as the perfect opportunity to do what they’ve always dreamed of doing: cutting America’s social safety net, knowing that if they start chiseling it away now it’ll be a lot easier to gut entirely in the near future.

Of course, all of the cuts they’re proposing to President Biden’s budget will do absolutely nothing about the debt and this time, they can’t use the same old tactics, as Biden is already calling them out on it.

In his speech on Friday, he didn’t hold back – calling the GOP’s debt crisis showdown for what it is – a manufactured crisis, and one that the US cannot afford to be dragged into right now – a not so subtle reminder that it’s because of the GOP that the pandemic ended up being as disastrous as it was and declared America is not a deadbeat nation.

McCarthy has just been trying to run out the clock on this, trying to make like he can force Biden to negotiate and agree on cuts that Democrats will criticize him on one way or another, but he’s bringing the fight to them instead – urging Republicans to make a deal and increase the limit

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