Potential to backfire

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One thing we have in our favor. We know who and what our enemies are. These people are not missing. They’re not faces on milk cartons. They’re right in front of us. They’re Donald Trump and his sleazy group of vagabonds. And like enemies are wont to do, Donald Trump seems ready, willing, and able to blow it all up.

The latest in that regard is that he is refusing to let his nominees undergo the conventional background check process. Gee, isn’t that a surprise? The orange Octopus reportedly has chosen instead, to use private investigators to do the background checks, which strikes this writer as utterly hysterical.

Because Trump hates and distrusts the FBI as he hates and distrusts everything and everyone, he is refusing to do all this by convention channels, preferring instead to let these detectives wade through the muck of background checking his pathetic nominees.

This is not going to end well. After all, the background checks somehow missed the sexual allegations against Hegseth, one of Trump’s nominees. Who knows what else they’re missing?

I predict this will backfire, as everything Donald Trump does seems to. Some of the picks won’t even be able to obtain security clearances. Gaetzs is one of them. The potential for this to blow up in Trump’s face is palpable.

Trump may know this, which might be why he is using his people for the background checks, but the bottom line is this whole skeevy bunch likely has skeletons in their closets, some of which these detectives will not pick up.

Palmer Report Needs You: if you can each contribute $5 or $25 or $75 to help with Palmer Report’s ongoing operating expenses, it’ll help greatly: Donate Here.