Donald Trump has reached the point in his downfall where he’s demanding the names of his Republican enemies

Earlier today the Washington Post reported that it surveyed every Republican in the House and Senate, and that just 25 of them (later revised to 26) were willing to privately admit that Joe Biden won the election. This is an embarrassingly small number. But it’s also a number that’s dangerously high for Trump, who’s hanging on by a thread.
Sure enough, Trump sees the news for what it is: even the Republicans are selfishly starting to move on from his dead presidency. Trump tweeted this in response: “25, wow! I am surprised there are so many. We have just begun to fight. Please send me a list of the 25 RINOS. I read the Fake News Washington Post as little as possible!”
Okay, so now we’ve reached the point where Trump is demanding to know the names of the Republicans who are privately admitting that he lost. Trump may think this makes him look strong, but all it does is amplify the fact that a couple dozen Republicans in Congress are already moving on from him. That number will grow, as it becomes more inconvenient for the Republicans to keep propping him up during his denial stage.