
Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report has sharply reduced the number of ads and is now a reader supported site. We're coming up on a hard budget deadline and we need your help. Donate now:
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I do hate liars. In the world of politics especially, lies are as frequent as eye blinking. They come around with growing ferocity, but when those lies are revealed to be lies… Then we have the truth! How lovely the truth is, don’t you agree?

So it’s with utter delight, the kind of delight one feels watching a million adorable playful kittens, that I tell you a lie has been revealed as the fake news it always was. How many times have you heard ominous Big-brother-like voices say: President Biden is losing young voters?

On and on they went like some lousy bad dream, the media pundits, dishonestly dripping like sweat off their fake shoulders. I suppose the truth was like smoking hot asphalt—if they actually TOLD it, they might get burned—or at least in their heads, their ratings would.

A brand new CBS/YouGov poll is out. Want to know what it says? An impressive 61 percent of young voters support — President Biden. +23.

I repeat: +23.

With these voters under 30, only 38 percent support the convicted felon. +23.

These voters also say among their concerns are: Abortion. Climate change. Race and diversity. +23

Nearly 60 percent of these voters said abortion was a major factor, and 54 percent picked climate change. It’s not close, people. It never really was. Will this be brought up on various political shows? Who knows? But WE know. We know that it’s +23. Let’s work on getting the word out.

Note from Bill Palmer: Palmer Report has sharply reduced the number of ads and is now a reader supported site. We're coming up on a hard budget deadline and we need your help. Donate now:
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