“Play Misty For Me”

The title of this article comes from this film “Play Misty for me” which makes “Fatal Attraction” like the Brady Bunch. I must give attribution to the great folks online including Twitter and even some Palmer Report readers, who gifted Lake with this name, saying Kari Lake strongly reminds them of the star of this film.

These people are also noting this about Lake — how she is genuinely transforming before our eyes into a sort of crazed Misty-like insane woman. Lake, whose trial is going on even as I write this, made an admission the other day, which isn’t all THAT surprising when one thinks about it. Her lawyers are leaving her.

That’s right. Lake is having issues maintaining legal representation. This is likely because most of the legal community is indeed sane and does not want to be caught up in Misty’s latest stinker of a lawsuit. “We had attorneys who did walk away.” This is from Lake.

But it was the reason the Misty Lake gave for them leaving that caused me to chuckle. She — as usual — blamed it all on the Democrats. “The left is threatening them with their ability to make a living,” Lake said. “And some of our attorneys said, look, I got mouths to feed; I can’t do this case. I don’t want to be sanctioned.”

Well, good for them! That means sanity is prevalent in our legal community. But not according to Lake. In her world, it is the fault of the democrats. I suppose she thinks the lawyers are puppets on our strings, and we made them say this.

But it gets better. Because Misty is playing the “I’ll take anybody” song. “I got to a point where I said I’ll take anybody,” Lake said. Literally begging anyone to take the case. That’ll work. “We’ll take Better call Saul to come in here,” she said.

I think Saul and 99 percent of the attorneys in the country have better things to do with that time. “Poor little me” is becoming Lake’s mantra. And I have to admit something. I’m rather enjoying her downward spiral. At least it likely ensures Misty won’t ever be able to play her song as an elected official anytime ever.

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