Donald Trump throws delusional tantrum about failed trip to Pittsburgh

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Donald Trump traveled to Pittsburgh yesterday, against the stated wishes of the Mayor and several Jewish leaders. He was joined by virtually no national or local political figures from either party. Instead he was greeted by thousands of people who, based on their signs and chants, were there to protest against him and his violent racist rhetoric.

Whatever Trump was trying to accomplish yesterday, it didn’t get him anywhere โ€“ and he seems to know it. His trip got relatively little media coverage, and most of that was focused on the fact that no one wanted him there, or the massive protests, or both. Naturally, Trump’s narcissism and fragile ego couldn’t accept the reality that he’s a widely despised pariah, so today he threw a tantrum about it.

Trump posted this delusional tweet this morning: “Melania and I were treated very nicely yesterday in Pittsburgh. The Office of the President was shown great respect on a very sad & solemn day. We were treated so warmly. Small protest was not seen by us, staged far away. The Fake News stories were just the opposite-Disgraceful!” For the record, as could be clearly seen on television, the protests were neither small nor staged. Then it got worse.

This afternoon Donald Trump posted a cravenly opportunistic tweet aimed at using the Pittsburgh shooting to promote Republican congressional candidate Keith Rothfus. Why? Rothfus was the only politician willing to meet with Trump in Pittsburgh yesterday. Rothfus is running against Democratic incumbent Conor Lamb, who at last count is ahead by double digits in the polls. You can follow Conor Lamb on Twitter here.

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