Peter Strzok’s case against Donald Trump just took a surreal turn

Earlier this week, former FBI agent Peter Strzok initiated legal action to try to force the federal government to give him his old job back. His case seems solid, considering he was only fired because Donald Trump abused his position as President of the United States to pressure the FBI into firing him. Now the case has already taken a surreal turn.
Peter Strzok’s case has already been assigned to a federal judge, and according to Politico, that judge is Amy Berman Jackson. If the name sounds familiar, it’s because she was also the judge in one of the Paul Manafort trials, and because she’s currently the judge in the Roger Stone trial. This speaks to the fairly small number of federal judges in each circuit. It also points to trouble for Trump.
How can we put this diplomatically? There are federal judges who try their best to apply the law fairly, and then there are federal judges who don’t. We saw this when T.S. Ellis, the judge in the other Paul Manafort trial, made a point of giving Manafort an absurdly lenient sentence – while claiming that career criminal Manafort had led an “otherwise blameless life.”
In contrast, Amy Berman Jackson has shown herself to be fair and impartial. She gave Paul Manafort a proper prison sentence. She’s been handling the controversial Roger Stone trial in a professional manner. Now that she’s been assigned the Peter Strzok case, she’s very likely to handle it correctly as well. Since the law appears to be on Strzok’s side, this points to Trump likely losing.