
Being obsessed with controlling what consenting strangers do in their bedrooms, or controlling what women do with their bodies, is perverted behavior. Right wingers like Mike Pence and Ron DeSantis are perverts, and it’s time we start branding them that way.
Whenever I’ve brought up this notion before, some folks have replied by yelling “Yep I bet Pence does some perverted things in his own bedroom!” But that is it not what I’m talking about at all. I couldn’t care less what Pence does in his own bedroom. Nor does he need to be doing anything “perverted” in his own bedroom in order to qualify as a pervert. That’s the entire point.
It’s the mere act of trying to control what others do in their bedrooms, or with their bodies, that makes these right wing politicians perverts. If a guy walking down the street tried to forcibly keep a woman or a gay couple from exercising their most basic personal rights, we’d brand that guy a menace and have him arrested for harassment. Yet when a guy like Pence or DeSantis runs for office with the intent of forcibly keeping millions of women and gay couples from exercising their most basic personal rights, that somehow gets portrayed as just another political view. It’s not. It’s criminal. It’s psychotic. These kinds of right wing politicians are creepy perverts, and they should always be referred to as such.