Personal note: Thank you for understanding…

Dear Palmer Report readers,

I want to take a moment to thank all of you for your support as Palmer Report has begun its transition to a less advertising-supported site. You’ve surely already noticed that the red button is gone, there are fewer ads per article (the number of ads will continue to drop), and an ongoing reduction in the number of times you’ll see the “five second” ad.

I pointed out that this is going to require Palmer Report to become more reader-supported, and you’ve come through in a big way. Thank you to all of you who have begun making one-time, weekly, or monthly donations. We’re going to need more of you to do the same so that we can continue to reduce the number of ads on the site as we move forward.

I’ve also heard from a few of you who simply don’t have a dime to spare. In such case please keep your money for yourselves, and allow other readers to pick up the slack.

Thank you again, as we work to fight and win this election:

Donate $5 (click here)

Donate $25 (click here)

Donate $100 (click here)

Donate $125 (click here)

Donate via GoFundMe (click here)

Bill Palmer
Palmer Report