Donald Trump has completely delusional meltdown as people run away from him

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Thus far this week we’ve seen Republican Senator Mitt Romney march with protesters outside the White House, we’ve seen Republican Senator Lisa Murkowski say she may not support Trump’s reelection bid, and we’ve seen Republican legend Colin Powell outright endorse Joe Biden. So how is Trump taking the news? Not well.

Right around the time Romney was marching on the White House with Black Lives Matter protesters, Donald Trump was tweeting this: “I built the greatest economy in the World, the best the U.S. has ever had. I am doing it again!” Oh come on. We all know Obama built the roaring economy, and Trump ruined it.

With talk like this, no wonder we’re finally seeing defections. There are far too few Republican defections, and it says a lot about the true nature of their party. But even this relatively small number of defections is untenable for Trump.

What kind of delusional narcissistic loser even talks like this? Trump said “I alone can fix it” and then he broke everything. He should go back to his bunker and get high on his fantasies while he still can. He’s going to prison after he loses the election.

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