Donald Trump’s attack on Peggy Noonan is a whole new low

If you’ve never heard me mention Wall Street Journal columnist Peggy Noonan, it’s because there isn’t much to say one way other. Back in the day she wrote some of Ronald Reagan’s most vapid speeches, and to this day, her columns on American political ideology an unwitting field guide to what tone-deaf conservatives don’t understand mainstream America. But to her immense credit, Noonan understands that there’s something very wrong with Donald Trump – and she’s been speaking rather loudly about it.
This week Peggy Noonan acknowledged that Robert Mueller found criminal activity on Donald Trump’s part, and she called for Congress to censure Trump. It’s not exactly an impeachment call, but it’s nonetheless a big deal when an influential Republican voice publicly urges the Republican Senate to vote to condemn a Republican president. So naturally, Trump decided to viciously and idiotically rip into Noonan.
Trump posted this bizarre tweet during the midst of a tantrum today: “Peggy Noonan, the simplistic writer for Trump Haters all, is stuck in the past glory of Reagan and has no idea what is happening with the Radical Left Democrats, or how vicious and desperate they are. Mueller had to correct his ridiculous statement, Peggy never understood it!”
To be clear, no one has any idea what Donald Trump is talking about with his laughably false claim that “Mueller had to correct his ridiculous statement.” Trump is just making up lies as usual. But Trump is unwittingly raising an interesting point here. Noonan, who doesn’t agree with liberals and moderates on much of anything, has nonetheless soberly concluded that America’s real problem is Donald Trump – and that’s why she’s getting under Trump’s skin.