Robert Mueller subpoena zeroes in on Donald Trump’s Pee Pee Tape

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For the past year, the public has consistently paid attention to the developments surrounding Donald Trump’s “Pee Pee Tape” even as the mainstream media has largely ignored the story. Perhaps that’s due to its salacious nature, and the fact that it’s one of the relatively few aspects of the Trump-Russia dossier that hasn’t yet been externally verified. But now it turns out Robert Mueller is zeroing in on this. We know this based on one of Mueller’s own new subpoenas.

Mueller sent a grand jury subpoena to an unnamed Trump-Russia witness last week which demanded to know about all conversations that the witness has had with ten people involved with the Trump-Russia scandal. The list includes people like Rick Gates, who just cut a plea deal, Paul Manafort, who is awaiting trial, Steve Bannon, who already testified for Mueller, and Hope Hicks, who just resigned from the White House. Then there’s one name on the list which firmly points directly to the Pee Pee Tape.

When Donald Trump traveled to Russia in 2013 to attend the Miss Universe pageant, he took his longtime bodyguard Keith Schiller with him. That’s the trip in which the Pee Pee Tape incident allegedly took place. Schiller has previously testified before Congress about the trip, and went so far as to admit that the Russians offered to send prostitutes to Trump, but claims that Trump turned them down. Few people believe Schiller’s story.

Now that Robert Mueller has included Keith Schiller’s name on this list, it leaves very little doubt that he’s zeroing in on the Pee Pee Tape trip. If Schiller is telling fish stories about the trip, then Mueller is going to find his way to the truth by forcing everyone Schiller ever communicated with to come clean. This subpoena also serves to further legitimize the Trump-Russia dossier itself, which has recently come under phony attack by Trump’s Republican allies.

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