Donald Trump’s acting Navy Secretary stooge Thomas Modly hits the panic button

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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Earlier today, Donald Trump’s handpicked Acting Secretary of the Navy Thomas Modly told the crew of the USS Theodore Roosevelt that Captain Crozier was relieved of duty because he was either “naive or stupid” for sounding the alarm about the coronavirus outbreak on the ship. Someone recorded Modly and leaked it to the media, and let’s just say that it didn’t go over well with the public.

After the public spent all day demanding that Thomas Modly resign his position, he’s finally decided tonight that he’s in trouble. He’s decided to issue an apology, which at this point can be viewed as a panic move on his part. There’s no way he’d be doing this unless he fears he won’t survive this controversy.

Modly’s apology said in part: “I do not think Capt. Brett Crozier is naïve nor stupid. I think, and always believed him to be the opposite. We pick our carrier commanding officers with great care … Capt. Crozier is smart and passionate. I believe, precisely because he is not naive and stupid, that he sent his alarming email with the intention of getting it into the public domain in an effort to draw public attention to the situation on his ship. I apologize for any confusion this choice of words may have caused.”

It’s clear that Modly is really going to town with this apology. Donald Trump has a history of forcing his own people to resign when their scandals become too much of a distraction. Modly must fear that he’ll be thrown under the bus over this. Then again, he totally deserves it.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help! Major media outlets are caving to Trump already. Publishing platforms are at risk. Palmer Report is leading the fight. Help me make it happen:
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