Trump regime hits the panic button after Mick Mulvaney confesses to Donald Trump’s guilt

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Acting White House Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney tried to do something clever today by smugly confessing that Donald Trump engaged in a quid pro quo with Ukraine, before saying “get over it.” To give you an idea of just how badly Mulvaney miscalculated things, various people in the Trump regime are already screaming about how Mulvaney wasn’t speaking for them.

First the Department of Justice fed this quote to CNN, and keep in mind that this is likely coming through Trump’s complicit Attorney General Bill Barr: “If the White House was withholding aid in regards to the cooperation of any investigation at the Department of Justice, that is news to us.” Then Trump’s own longtime personal lawyer Jay Sekulow said this to CNN: “The legal team was not involved in the Acting Chief of Staff’s press briefing.”

This remarkable. Bill Barr and his DOJ are trying to make sure that Mick Mulvaney’s confession of Trump’s guilt isn’t interpreted as a confession that Barr is also guilty. And Trump’s own lawyer is trying to make clear that he had nothing to do with Mulvaney’s idiotic decision to confess Trump’s guilt today.

Palmer Report’s interpretation of Mick Mulvaney’s press conference was that he made the mistake of a lifetime and just sent himself, Donald Trump, and a lot of other Trump people to prison. Sure enough, the reaction thus far from Team Trump suggests that they think this is just as bad for Trump as we do.

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