Palmer Report comment section is back!

Dear Palmer Report readers,
Palmer Report’s comment section is now back online. Thanks for your patience as we worked through some technical issues over the past twelve hours.
Now is probably a good time to remind everyone that I have a zero tolerance policy for people who use the comment section to harass or harangue the people who work for me. I urge you to simply read the authors and articles you enjoy, and skip the rest. If you’re sitting there waiting for one of my writers to make some minor typo or something so you can begin viciously attacking them, I will personally ban you from the comment section. You can go be that kind of jerk on some other website.
I know that this doesn’t apply to most of you. But I feel like it’s always good to remind everyone where the line is before the banning begins, so that everyone has an opportunity to get on the correct side of the line. Thank you to the 95% of you who behave totally normally in the comment section.
Alright, now back to fighting and winning political battles
Much thanks,
Bill Palmer