The anonymous op-ed author has already defeated Donald Trump
I’m glad that the anonymous Trump White House senior official decided to publish the op-ed exposing that Donald Trump is dangerously insane and is not remotely in control of the presidency. I’m not thrilled that this individual waited this long to go public, and I’m not comforted to know that one or more of Trump’s top people has been sabotaging him all along, because many of them are nearly as corrupt and deranged as he is. All that aside, here’s what is clear: the anonymous op-ed author has already won.
Don’t get me wrong, the op-ed author is in for a world of hurt. His or her identity will be exposed before much longer. That person will be fired, and then regularly vilified and lied about on Donald Trump’s Twitter account. Trump may even try to bring criminal charges against the individual, despite the clear lack of law breaking involved. But this person’s goal was to topple Trump. After all, if you’ve spent a year and a half sabotaging your boss behind his back, the only reason to then go public is if you’re trying to bring an end to your boss, so you don’t have to keep playing the game.
In the two and a half days since the op-ed was published, take a look at what’s transpired. Donald Trump has become almost clinically obsessed with determining the identity of the author, to the point that no one working in his White House can possibly feel comfortable anymore. He’s publicly accusing the author of “treason” and asking the Attorney General to launch an investigation, in an abusive level of overreach that makes him look like an out-of-control monster in the eyes of nonpolitical folks watching at home.
In an attempt at keeping their jobs, many of Donald Trump’s own people have publicly condemned the author’s decision to publish this or to remain anonymous, but many of them haven’t bothered to dispute the accusations made about Trump in the op-ed. It’s as if they can’t bring themselves to publicly claim that he’s not dangerously insane, or that they don’t expect anyone to believe them anyway.
Meanwhile Donald Trump is worked up into such a tizzy, unusual even for him, that he’s running around giving speeches in what very much feels like a drug induced haze. Either he’s been high on drugs since the op-ed was published, or he needs to be medicated. He’s coming off as a grotesque villain, near the end of the movie, where things are caving in so badly on him, chunks of him are literally falling off. Trump is doing a new level of harm to himself at a time when he’s supposed to be trying to convince voters to save him in the midterm elections. The op-ed author’s goal was to get Trump to self destruct in response, and it’s rapidly working.
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Bill Palmer is the publisher of the political news outlet Palmer Report