Only chaos

Excitement has evaporated, and despair has set in—at least, that’s how it seems from outside the GOP looking glass. As we start a brand new year, Republicans are doing what they do better than anyone — arguing.
Republicans in the House want to introduce new rules that will make it that much harder to oust any speaker. The problem is that they can’t do that if they don’t HAVE a speaker. Right now, the word “Speaker” is a bad word among Republicans. This is because the vote is coming up! The Speaker vote is hurtling forward, and everything in GOP-land is falling apart again as usual and right on schedule.
Right now, there are many undecideds on Johnson. There is also one confirmed flat-out NO. In the meantime, Johnson, perhaps sensing his imminent doom, is begging Republicans in the house not to descend into chaos, to hold the line, and to cast their votes from him.
Johnson’s pearly white smile hadn’t been seen in quite awhile. He seems terrified about what’s going to happen and HOW events will transpire.
It is also being reported that Republicans are seeking a way to certify Trump’s election WITHOUT A SPEAKER. Oh, come now, Republicans! That’d be like eating Pizza with no cheese or sauce — all that Pizza would be is a crust. Breadcrumbs.
Breadcrumbs are more than what House Republicans and Donald Trump will get if they do not pick a speaker soon. CNN now reports that many Republicans have no idea “if it will actually have a speaker in place in time to certify.” Oh no! Oh yes.
So, to sum up the whole mess — the bloom has left the rose. Not that there was ever much bloom on this particular rose ANYWAY. From the very beginning, the Republican petals weren’t exactly popping . Now they are drooping significantly, and they need water, but there is no gardener to provide that. There is, as usual, only chaos.