There’s only one thing that can save us now

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About a year ago, I wrote a piece advising liberals to stop making people like Susan Collins and George W. Bush out to be heroes or to consider them our friends. The best we could hope for, I stressed, was for them to occasionally be our allies. Expecting them to protect us from this administration was only setting ourselves up for disappointment. This was met with a lot of pushback from people who were desperate for saviors, which is ironic, because we have the power to save ourselves.
This week we saw former president George W. Bush making calls to ensure Brett Kavanaugh received the votes he needed to be confirmed as a Supreme Court justice. Many liberals seemed shocked by this development, having recently started to look at GWB with avuncular fondness. After all, he and Michelle Obama are friendly, he even passed her a mint at McCain’s funeral. This meant he was our friend, right? Liberals conveniently forget that this is the man who deliberately lied to congress and this country to drag us into an unjust war. “Weren’t they just so cute?” Kavanaugh was his man and regardless of his disdain for Trump, he was going to get his man on the bench. Liberals seemed equally shocked that their calls and tweets to Collins went ignored, despite every indication that she was always going to vote yes.

Now we’re back to seeing liberals begging for Robert Mueller to finish his investigation and “save us.” Let me be clear here, we can no longer hope to think that republicans will do the right thing, even if faced with clear evidence of wrong-doing by Donald Trump and his family. It may very well be that Mueller is waiting to show his hand in hopes that democrats will be in a position to act on it. If we learned nothing else from the Kavanaugh hearings, the republicans will not act against their own self-interests regardless of the situation. There is no one on that side who will save us.

However, we can still save ourselves. We have one shot left at it, and it comes November 6. We can vote. We can show up at the polls and vote for the democratic candidate no matter what. Liberals have always had the power, we just have failed to use it. Voting is how we save ourselves – that is the only way we save this country from Donald Trump.

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