One of Trump’s big plans is falling apart for him already

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The dark, eternally flickering candle that is Extreme court justice Sammy Alito’s psyche is still burning bright, and it isn’t going ANYWHERE. That is his message to all the disappointed Republicans who perhaps hoped to force him off the court and replace him with someone 30 years younger.

But ole Sammy has a defiant message — he’s not done yet! I ain’t going NOWHERE! (My words.) A person close to Alito explained that he is NOT planning to retire anytime soon. There had been rampant speculation that both Thomas and Alito would perhaps be forced off the court. But Alito isn’t going, it seems, without a fight.

This writer is fairly neutral on this. Alito is a horrible justice, but anyone he’d be replaced with might even be worse. So, I have no skin in THIS game. But it sure is funny to see Republicans fighting ALREADY. I mean, the ink’s barely dry on the election results.

The source close to Alito, who apparently wants to remain nameless, said that resigning for political reasons isn’t in the makeup of who Sammy is. We KNOW who he is. He’s a witch-obsessed, paranoid, old-school quack with nutty ideas and a huge chip on his shoulder.

And that shoulder wants to stay awhile, to keep his ass nice and warm in that extreme chair where he doles out his cruddy decision-making. Will the GOP next, turn their eyes toward forcing out Thomas? Stay tuned.

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