One day after the debate, Donald Trump is right back to his usual confused senile self

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now:

In his fifty public appearances leading up to last night’s debate, Donald Trump consistently came across as having symptoms consistent with severe dementia. He didn’t know who anyone was. He told nonsensical stories about sharks and batteries. He frequently made up gibberish words to fill in the gaps.

Then, out of nowhere last night, Trump showed up to the debate sounding halfway coherent. Suddenly his dementia symptoms weren’t there. Which was bizarre, given that dementia patients can’t just “turn it off” in important moments. It’s not something you can overcome through willpower.

It was enough to force a reevaluation of everything we thought we’d seen from Trump over the past several months. Is he really as senile as he seems? But then he took the stage today for a post-debate rally speech, and suddenly Trump is now back to his usual confused and senile self. The incoherence. The confusion. The made up words. The unhinges stories. It’s all there.

What’s going on here? Today proves that Trump is indeed consistently displaying symptoms consistent with severe dementia. Yet during the debate he somehow magically overcame it. Trump did spend the entire lead-up to the debate insisting that Biden was going to take performance enhancing drugs, while demanding that Biden take a drug test. Then Trump showed up to the debate and gave an impossibly enhanced performance. I’ll leave it at that.

Note from Bill Palmer: I need your help to keep Palmer Report firing on all cylinders in 2024. Donate now: