On thin ice

If you were skating on an ice pond and were warned that the ice was about to crack , what would you do? Most of us would say get off the ice. Would anyone you know, in fact, respond that they didn’t care and they planned to continue skating, whether the ice cracked or not?
I doubt many people you know would do that! Nobody sane would. And so I ask this question: why can’t this country get out of its own way when it comes to gun violence? The Democrats care. But time and again, Republicans have shown they don’t give a damn about gun safety. They show this even as our children and teachers fall through the cracks because Republicans refuse to do anything to make schools safer.
But it is not just schools. This week a man in Indiana was arrested. The reason he was arrested is that his son — just a little baby was allegedly seen running around with a fully loaded handgun. The toddler — a little child could be seen in diapers waving a gun around wildly in his apartment complex. Perhaps you’ve seen the video. It is chilling.
This baby was seen pointing the gun, waving it around, pointing it at himself, and, yes, pulling the trigger. The video gave me goosebumps. It should never have happened and kudos to the police. Nobody was hurt.
We need to continue to highlight this issue just as with women’s rights and the right to receive an abortion. Studies have shown the majority of the American people, INCLUDING many republicans, want sensible gun reform.
It is republicans in power who are singlehandedly preventing this type of legislation from passing. I think of that baby who so easily could have hurt or killed someone, including himself.
I think of the carelessness of many in how they store their weapons. I don’t want us to continue to skate on thin ice. I do not want to continue to drown in gun tragedy. So let’s think of all the children, all the teachers, all the schools that need us to hear them now more than ever.