Omarosa prepares fresh new trouble for Donald Trump

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While Donald Trump loves to promote bogus polls that show his approval rating near 50 percent, all legitimate polls have had him hovering around 40 percent or worse. Even his son was forced to delete a social media post which falsely claimed that Trump’s approval rating was at 50 percent, when it was spotted that prior to being Photoshopped it clearly said 40. With his recent attacks on Special Counsel Robert Mueller, Trump’s fear and desperation are showing even more than normal. That brings us to Omarosa. Again.

Even as Trump claims to be “your favorite president,” he is aware that his support is diminishing every day. Trump’s former White House official Omarosa Manigault Newman, a former supporter who once claimed his detractors would be forced to “bow down” to Trump, now says she is essentially joining the Resistance to help take him down.

Despite Trump’s attempts to silence her using either Attorney General Jeff Sessions or forced arbitration, Omarosa is now stating that she’s not afraid of him or his lawsuits. In an interview with the Wall Street Journal, she stated “I’m going to go toe-to-toe because I stand on the truth and I stand on what’s right.” Whether she really wants to bring him down, or is simply harming him in order to promote her new book “Unhinged,” anyone looking to remove an illegitimate Russian agent from power is welcome to help.

After releasing recordings of conversations she had with Donald Trump, as well as one of when she was fired by Trump’s Chief of Staff John Kelly, Omarosa now claims to have hundreds of recordings yet to be released. “I’m going to continue to blow the whistle about the things I saw,” she promised, before adding “hopefully we can save the essence of the presidency without the president doing way too much damage to it.” In the words of Donald Trump Jr., if that’s what you say, I love it.

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